Temporary Works at the Historic Nottingham Castle!
Nottingham castle – a fascinating Temporary works project
GF Tomlinson appoint Jackson Purdue Lever for the Temporary Works at Nottingham Castle.
The project required the development of various bespoke propping and scaffolding solutions in order to undertake the necessary works to the castle without compromising the historic assets of the building.
These included complex internal and external scaffolding packages which had to span large distances over delicate roof and floor constructions while avoiding the numerous cave complex which the castle is built over.
William the Conqueror requested the construction of the Castle in 1067. Making the project on of our most interesting historical projects to date.
Temporary works were also required to form new openings through rubble filled internal cavity walls.
We also assisted with forming service risers through unreinforced arched concrete floors. This required a unique approach of grouting and propping to preserve the integrity of the historic construction methodologies.
Finally, we further assisted GF Tomlinson with devising a methodology and propping sequence to restore and replace delicate areas of existing stonework. The load bearing stone mullions to the external windows were part of this works.
Interested in the history of the castle? Visit www.nottinghamcastle.org.uk
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